lesser key

Secret Rituals from the Lesser Key of Solomon Revealed

Written by: King Solomon



Time to read 17 min

Reading the Lesser Key of Solomon: An Essential Guide

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Are you ready to uncover the answers hidden within the shadows? 

In the esoteric realm of demonology and magick, few texts are as captivating and mystifying as the Lesser Key of Solomon, also known as the Lemegeton. This grimoire, a revered compendium of arcane wisdom dating back to the 17th century, provides invaluable insight to those interested in the occult. This journey we embark on will delve into the text's complex structure and reveal the fascinating aspects of the Lesser Key, demystifying its secrets and enriching your understanding of this ancient masterpiece.

Understanding the Lesser Key of Solomon

Named after the biblical king renowned for his wisdom and magical prowess, the Lesser Key of Solomon is a compelling work, a compendium divided into five books, each serving a unique role within the realm of demonology and magick. Let's briefly explore each part to grasp the essence of this revered text. 


The Goetia, the first part of the Lemegeton, is arguably the most famous. It's centered on the evocation and control of 72 demons, reputedly confined by King Solomon himself. These entities, once bound to the conjurer's will, can grant a myriad of services, offering insights and aid to the curious practitioner. 

Theurgia Goetia

The Theurgia Goetia, the Lemegeton's second part, extends the spectral catalogue, focusing on spirits of a more ambiguous nature. In contrast to the Goetia, these spirits aren't strictly malevolent. Instead, they operate in the shadows, embodying a mystical realm that is neither wholly evil nor entirely good.

Ars Paulina

The third part, the Ars Paulina, veers from the demonic and ventures into the domain of the celestial, dealing specifically with the invocation of angels. Its particular focus is on timing these invocations according to astrological alignments, underscoring the role of celestial bodies in the arcane arts.

Ars Almadel

The Ars Almadel, like the Ars Paulina, focuses on angelic magic. Yet, it stands apart due to its emphasis on the creation and use of a wax tablet—the Almadel. This tool is believed to enable more effective communion with celestial beings.

Ars Notoria

Finally, the Ars Notoria, the last book of the Lesser Key of Solomon, presents a series of prayers and orations designed to bestow upon the practitioner enhanced cognition and quick learning. This section stands apart, offering a path to intellectual prowess, rather than spirit invocation.

A Practical Guide to Lemegeton Magic

While the Lesser Key of Solomon is undeniably fascinating in its scope and depth, understanding its practical applications in the world of magic is even more compelling. Here, we'll explore the inherent techniques, tools, and rituals that make Lemegeton magic a standout in the study of the occult.

Tools and Symbols in Lemegeton Magic

Key to the practice of Lemegeton magic is an understanding of the tools and symbols often associated with it. The magical circle, the triangle of manifestation, the magical sword, and various talismans are pivotal to the rituals described in the Lesser Key. They serve to protect the practitioner and facilitate communication with the invoked spirits.

Evocation in the Goetia

At the heart of the Goetia is the art of evocation. It outlines the precise methods and incantations required to summon a specific demon and bind it to the conjurer's will. The descriptions of each demon, complete with their corresponding sigils, allow for targeted evocations aligned with the practitioner's needs.

Working with Dual-Nature Spirits in Theurgia Goetia

The Theurgia Goetia offers insight into working with spirits that transcend the conventional binary of good and evil. It underscores the need for a balanced approach, recognizing the fluidity of morality in the spirit realm. This flexibility makes the Theurgia Goetia an enriching field of study for those interested in the nuanced aspects of occult practice.

Astrological Magic in the Ars Paulina

The Ars Paulina marries astrology with magic, connecting the celestial with the terrestrial. It lays out the optimal timings for invocations, based on the movements and positions of celestial bodies. This celestial timing forms an essential part of Pauline magic, underpinning the effectiveness of its rituals.

The Power of the Almadel in Ars Almadel

The Ars Almadel introduces the wax tablet, or Almadel, a unique magical tool. This crafted object is not just symbolic; it's instrumental in establishing a powerful link with angelic entities. The creation, consecration, and utilization of the Almadel serve to reinforce the bond between the physical and spiritual realms.

Intellectual Enrichment in the Ars Notoria

The Ars Notoria, often seen as the odd one out, presents an intriguing form of intellectual magic. Through specific prayers and orations, it suggests that rapid acquisition of knowledge and enhanced cognition are attainable. This refreshing focus on intellectual magic demonstrates the Lesser Key's breadth, encompassing not just spirit work but also cognitive enhancement.

Grimoires of the Demons of Ars Goetia

Demon and Spirit Attunements, Amulets, and Grimoires are potent spiritual tools crafted to align your energy with powerful entities, offering protection, guidance, and healing. These sacred items bridge the gap between the earthly and spiritual realms, enabling you to connect with higher forces for clarity, empowerment, and inner strength. By wearing a demon or spirit amulet or engaging with a grimoire, you invite these potent energies into your life, providing ongoing support and shielding against negativity.

Demon and Spirit Attunements work to fine-tune your spiritual vibrations, enhancing your connection with specific entities and boosting your intuitive abilities. These practices create a comprehensive spiritual approach that not only protects you from harm but also opens pathways to profound transformation, spiritual growth, and inner wisdom. Through these tools, you harness the ancient powers of demons and spirits, forging a path toward deeper understanding and personal empowerment.

Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu, master of Terra Incognita, stands as a towering figure in the mystical realm, specializing in the intricate knowledge of demons, Olympic spirits, and Greek deities. With over 30 years of dedicated practice, his expertise is unparalleled, making him a revered teacher at the Coven of Terra Incognita. His profound wisdom and experience illuminate the path for those drawn to the esoteric arts, guiding aspirants through the complex landscapes of the unseen. Takaharu's teachings are more than lessons; they are gateways to understanding the ancient forces that govern our world and unlocking the profound mysteries that lie beyond the veil of the ordinary. His leadership in the coven not only educates but also empowers individuals to explore the depths of their spiritual potential. Join the Coven

Terra Incognita, School of Magic

More about Demons

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the contents of the Ars Goetia?

The Ars Goetia is primarily a guide to the invocation and control of 72 different demons, each with its own sigil and set of powers. The book describes the characteristics, ranks, and abilities of these entities, in addition to the specific rituals and preparations required to summon them. This includes instructions for creating a magic circle and a brass vessel, the preparation of certain magical tools and garments, as well as the precise times at which each spirit should be summoned.

How does the Lesser Key of Solomon influence modern occult practices?

The Lesser Key of Solomon has had a significant influence on modern occult practices. It's one of the foundational texts of Western ceremonial magic, and its principles and rituals have been incorporated into numerous occult traditions and practices. For example, its concepts are frequently used in Wicca and Thelema, among others. The Lesser Key's detailed system of demonology has been a significant source of inspiration for various contemporary works, both within and outside the occult tradition.

Who are King Solomon's demons?

King Solomon's demons, as described in the Ars Goetia, are a group of 72 demons that were reportedly summoned and controlled by King Solomon. These demons are varied in nature, ranging from kings, dukes, presidents, earls, and other lesser ranks, each with unique abilities and domains. They are depicted as being able to fulfill different tasks, provide knowledge, manipulate circumstances or individuals, and grant various abilities.

How many demons does King Solomon control?

According to the Ars Goetia, King Solomon had control over 72 demons. Each demon is unique in its sigil, characteristics, and capabilities. King Solomon was said to have the power to command these spirits to carry out tasks, provide various forms of knowledge, or influence events in certain ways.

Is the Lesser Key of Solomon real?

The Lesser Key of Solomon is indeed a real historical text. While its claims regarding King Solomon's control over demons are part of mythological folklore and are not verifiable by historical evidence, the text itself has been studied by scholars, historians, and occult practitioners alike. It is a significant part of the Western magical tradition and has influenced numerous other works and practices.

What is the purpose of the Lesser Key of Solomon?

The primary purpose of the Lesser Key of Solomon is to serve as a guide for those engaged in ceremonial magic. It offers a comprehensive system for the invocation and control of various spirits, ranging from demons to angelic entities. The work covers a wide variety of magical practices, including divination, knowledge acquisition, and evocation.

Are the practices in the Ars Goetia considered dangerous?

The practices described in the Ars Goetia, such as the invocation and control of powerful spirits, can be considered dangerous, especially for those without prior experience or understanding of the occult. The text itself cautions the reader about the risks involved and the necessity of specific protective measures. However, it's essential to note that interpretations of this danger vary among practitioners and scholars of the occult.

Where can I find a copy of the Lesser Key of Solomon?

The Lesser Key of Solomon, including the Ars Goetia, is widely available in various forms, both in physical print and digitally online. It can be found in libraries, bookstores, and numerous online platforms, including free sources due to its public domain status. There are various translations and editions available, some with additional annotations and commentary.

Who wrote the Lesser Key of Solomon?

The authorship of the Lesser Key of Solomon is unknown. Although it's traditionally attributed to King Solomon, this claim is considered legendary. Most scholars believe it's the work of several anonymous authors, likely compiled in the 17th century. The individual books within the Lesser Key may have different authorship and originate from different periods.

Are King Solomon's demons evil?

The demons described in the Ars Goetia have complex characteristics that go beyond simple binaries of good and evil. They're often portrayed as morally ambiguous, possessing a range of abilities and tendencies. However, their depiction often leans towards the malevolent, requiring the practitioner to approach them with caution and respect.

How are the demons in Ars Goetia summoned?

The Ars Goetia provides detailed instructions for summoning each of the 72 demons. These methods involve specific rituals, incantations, and the drawing of individual sigils associated with each demon. The process generally involves creating a protected space, such as a magic circle, and then invoking the demon through incantations and the use of their sigil. The time of day, astrological considerations, and even the direction the practitioner is facing can play a part in these rituals.

Are the rituals in the Ars Goetia legal?

The legality of performing the rituals outlined in the Ars Goetia can vary depending on local laws and regulations. In many places, freedom of religion or belief is protected, which may include the practice of occult rituals. However, practitioners are advised to understand their local laws and potential societal implications before engaging in these practices.

Does practicing the Ars Goetia require belief in the occult?

Practicing the rituals in the Ars Goetia doesn't necessitate a specific religious or spiritual belief, but the practitioner's belief can significantly influence their experiences. Some practitioners approach it from a psychological perspective, viewing the demons as archetypal or subconscious forces, while others approach it from a more traditional spiritual or religious viewpoint.

Can the Ars Goetia be practiced alone?

Yes, the Ars Goetia can be practiced alone, but many recommend having a solid understanding of occult practices before doing so. The rituals described in the Ars Goetia are complex and often require detailed preparation. Additionally, the text itself advises caution when dealing with these powerful entities.

What kind of powers do King Solomon's demons possess?

The demons described in the Ars Goetia have a broad range of powers. Some can provide knowledge of various sciences or arts, others can tell of past or future events, influence love affairs, create illusions, or even bestow dignities and lordships. Each demon's abilities are detailed in their individual descriptions within the text.

What is the significance of the seals in the Ars Goetia?

Each demon in the Ars Goetia has an associated seal or sigil, which are used in the rituals to invoke them. These seals are considered symbolic representations of the demons and are often inscribed on parchment or metal. They are a crucial element in the summoning process, as they serve as a link between the practitioner and the demon.

What is the link between King Solomon and the Lesser Key of Solomon?

The Lesser Key of Solomon is so named because of the legendary figure of King Solomon from biblical tradition, who was known for his wisdom and, in some traditions, his magical abilities. The text claims that King Solomon used the information within it to command and control various spirits, including the 72 demons of the Ars Goetia.

Is the Lesser Key of Solomon linked to other grimoires?

Yes, the Lesser Key of Solomon shares thematic and stylistic links with various other grimoires from the Western occult tradition. Concepts, entities, and rituals from the Lesser Key have been incorporated into many other magical texts. In fact, it's often considered one of the core texts of Western ceremonial magic.

Can the demons in the Ars Goetia be invoked for good purposes?

The Ars Goetia describes the demons as having the ability to provide various services, knowledge, or abilities to the conjurer. How these are used would depend on the intentions and ethics of the practitioner. The text itself doesn't make moral judgments about the purposes for which these entities are invoked.

What precautions should one take when practicing the Ars Goetia?

Practitioners are generally advised to approach the Ars Goetia with respect and caution, understanding the potential risks associated with invoking powerful spirits. Protective measures, such as the creation of a magic circle, are recommended. Additionally, it's often suggested that practitioners have a solid grounding in basic magical practices and theory before attempting the more advanced techniques described in the Ars Goetia.

What is Ars Theurgia Goetia about?

Ars Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the Lesser Key of Solomon, diverges from the first by concentrating on spirits that are neither explicitly demonic nor angelic. It deals with 31 aerial spirits divided among the cardinal directions - East, West, North, and South. Each of these spirits has a multitude of subservient spirits, each possessing unique capabilities and characteristics. Some of these spirits are categorized as good and others evil, but all of them can be invoked by a skilled practitioner to fulfill specific objectives.

How is Ars Theurgia Goetia different from Ars Goetia?

While both books are dedicated to the invocation of spirits, they differ significantly in the nature of the entities involved. Ars Goetia is about summoning and controlling 72 demons while Ars Theurgia Goetia involves cooperation with spirits associated with the four cardinal points and the intermediate directions. Unlike the commanding approach in Ars Goetia, this book encourages negotiation and agreement with the spirits.

Are the rituals in Ars Theurgia Goetia considered safer than those in Ars Goetia?

Both books require a high degree of proficiency in ceremonial magic. However, some practitioners argue that Ars Theurgia Goetia's rituals are less risky as they entail negotiation with the spirits rather than commanding them. Therefore, less confrontational energies are generally involved. Yet, it's crucial to approach these practices with a thorough understanding of the potential implications and risks.

What is the purpose of the seals and signs in Ars Theurgia Goetia?

Just like in Ars Goetia, the seals and signs used in Ars Theurgia Goetia are elemental to the practice. They represent the spirits to be invoked and create a spiritual link between the practitioner and the entity. Drawing these signs and seals in the air, on parchment, or in the mind can help initiate and strengthen communication.

Can Ars Theurgia Goetia be practiced by beginners?

Ars Theurgia Goetia, like most occult practices, requires foundational knowledge about the esoteric and ceremonial magic. It's advisable for practitioners to have a solid understanding of these concepts, as the practices can be quite complex. Absolute beginners may find it challenging due to the need for accurate seal preparation and invocation procedures.

What does Ars Paulina cover?

Ars Paulina, the third book, takes a more celestial approach to spirit invocation. It outlines procedures for working with angelic entities associated with the 360 degrees of the zodiac. The book is divided into two parts: the first part concerns the angels and rulers of the hours of the day and night, while the second part is about the angels of the zodiacal signs and each degree of those signs.

How is Ars Paulina used in modern occult practices?

Modern practitioners use Ars Paulina as a guide to angelic magic. Its rituals and procedures offer a way to commune with celestial beings for guidance and spiritual illumination. As it aligns with the more benevolent aspects of magic, many practitioners find it appealing, using it for personal growth, enlightenment, and achieving harmony with the universe.

What are the symbols used in Ars Paulina?

Ars Paulina employs an array of symbols in its practice, most notably the seals of the angels. Each angel associated with the zodiac's degrees has a unique seal, which is crucial for their invocation. Practitioners draw these seals on a piece of virgin parchment as a part of the ritual. Besides, the text also includes other symbols like magical circles and sigils that help practitioners in the ceremonial process.

Is Ars Paulina considered a benevolent practice?

Ars Paulina, in general, is considered one of the more benevolent books of the Lesser Key of Solomon. Unlike the books focusing on demonic spirits, this book is about aligning oneself with the divine forces of the universe. Invoking angels is generally seen as a positive act intended for spiritual growth, enlightenment, and assistance in various life matters.

Who can practice Ars Paulina?

Ars Paulina requires a good understanding of astrology and ceremonial magic. As such, it might not be suitable for novices in the occult field. That being said, anyone who has a genuine interest in angelic magic, a basic understanding of astrology, and is willing to follow the book's precise guidelines and procedures, can venture into practicing Ars Paulina.

What is Ars Almadel?

Ars Almadel, the fourth book in the collection, is centered around creating an 'Almadel' - a magical wax tablet inscribed with specific symbols and names of God. The Almadel is used to invoke a group of angels that change with the four seasons. The text gives precise instructions for constructing this magical tool, which also involves creating a special incense.

How does the Almadel function in magical practice?

The Almadel serves as a focal point for invoking angels. It's constructed with particular colors, symbols, and inscriptions that attract these celestial beings. When combined with the burning of specific incense, it's believed to facilitate a powerful spiritual connection, allowing the magician to communicate with the invoked angels.

Is Ars Almadel considered difficult to practice?

Ars Almadel is considered one of the more specialized practices in the Lesser Key of Solomon. It requires not only a comprehensive understanding of ceremonial magic but also the skill and patience to craft the Almadel precisely. As a result, it may not be the best starting point for those new to the occult but is an intriguing study for more experienced practitioners.

What is the goal of practicing Ars Almadel?

The ultimate goal of Ars Almadel is to achieve a successful communion with the angels associated with the four seasons. These angelic entities are believed to provide guidance, impart wisdom, offer protection, and potentially grant favors or fulfill the practitioner's requests. It's a spiritual pursuit aimed at personal growth and understanding of the divine order.

Is there any connection between Ars Almadel and other angelic works?

Ars Almadel is closely tied to the broader tradition of angelic magic, which spans across many cultures and magical systems. It shares common themes with other works focusing on angelic invocation, including the use of seals, names of power, and specific ritualistic approaches to connect with these celestial beings.

What is Ars Notoria?

The fifth and final book, Ars Notoria, stands apart from the rest by focusing on the power of prayer and oration. It includes a collection of prayers, notes (notae), and orations that are said to endow those who recite them with enhanced intellectual abilities, memory, eloquence, and a profound understanding of the arts and sciences.

What is the purpose of Ars Notoria's prayers?

The prayers and orations in Ars Notoria are meant to confer upon the practitioner swift knowledge and mastery of various disciplines, including rhetoric, philosophy, and logic, among others. By reciting the prayers with focus and intent, practitioners can achieve remarkable intellectual growth and cognitive enhancement.

Is Ars Notoria related to the other books in the Lesser Key?

Ars Notoria is unique among the other books in the Lesser Key of Solomon as it doesn't involve the summoning or invocation of spirits. Instead, it concentrates on personal growth and intellectual enhancement. Despite being part of the same collection, its content and purpose set it apart from the other books.

How are the notae in Ars Notoria used?

The notae in Ars Notoria are specific diagrams or figures which the practitioner must focus on during the recitation of prayers. These visual aids are believed to concentrate the practitioner's mind, facilitating a deep connection between the spoken words and the individual's intellect. It's thought that regular practice can lead to significant enhancement of the practitioner's abilities.

Is Ars Notoria considered safe to practice?

Unlike some parts of the Lesser Key that involve dealing with potentially malevolent entities, Ars Notoria is generally considered a safer practice. Its main focus is on self-improvement through prayer and concentration exercises. However, like any occult practice, it requires a certain degree of commitment, understanding, and respect for the traditions and principles underlying the practice.